Sharing my experiences and insights

Sharing my experiences and insights

‘Dear God, please don’t let me lose my other leg too. I want to be able to kneel and pray to you.’ These are the words from the diary of a 13 year old in Jakarta, Indonesia, who is being cared for at the pediatric hospice providing end-of-life care for children with life-threatening conditions such as cancer and HIV.

My desire to blog on Asian Insights on nonprofit leadership and management matter has been on my mind for a while. However I just did not get down to it. After all, a blog is only as good as its content and the consistency with which it’s done. While it’s all ‘in my head’, putting it into words seems daunting.

However today over lunch, when Lynna Chandra, philanthropist and friend with whom I am collaborating on various projects, shared this diary entry from a child in her beloved Rachel House, I knew, today I will make a start on the blog. There are so many of us working to make this world a better place and anything I can do to help us do good well, I will.

And so, here I am.

Through this blog, I will share concepts, communicate ideas and highlight practices to enhance our ability to impact lives through well run social purpose entities (charities, development organisations and social enterprises).  In the process I wish to have added value to those working, volunteering and funding these sectors in Asia. I will draw upon my experience and connections developed over the past 25 years, of working and volunteering in the nonprofit sector, to bring perspectives that could be of value to you.  Here is a quick peek into my life, which stirs my thoughts and provides the content.

I look forward to your comments and insights on the topics that I will focus this blog on ie:  leadership, management , fundraising, philanthropy  and communications in the social purpose sector, with an emphasis on Asia , so that together we can create and share content about the sector that we are very passionate about.

Warm regards


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